"How To Get Freelance Clients and Launch A Profitable Part-Time or Full Time Career Online - 100% Remote"

Even If You've Never Done This Before!

Dear tired employee/struggling freelancer, 

Imagine this for a second:

What would life be like if you had total freedom over your work and income?

If you can go on a road trip right now, enjoy with your family and loved ones, then just bring your laptop with you to work ANYWHERE or anytime you prefer…wouldn’t that be nice?

work anywhere enjoy the freedom lifestyle
Enjoying this terrific view at a beach resort in La Union (Elyu) as I work. I went with my wife and kid for a roadtrip.

Think about it…with a freelance career, you don’t have to deal with daily commutes, office politics, or long hours trapped inside a cubicle.

And the best thing is, it’s possible to scale your monthly income to six figures…if you want to. Anytime you wish to increase your income, you can just sit on your computer, find a new client, then VOILA – instant ‘salary increase’!

Sounds too good to be true?

Well, it isn’t if you know how to do it. You see, with freelancing you can really enjoy more time freedom, more income, and more work-life balance.

But Getting Those First Few Freelance Clients
Is The Hard Part 😅

It could take you years trying to figure out the right formula to finding freelance clients that pay – while others simply struggle to get their first successful project.

I know, because in my 14+ years of freelancing, I’ve probably seen it all.

My name is Verniel Cutar, and I’ve been freelancing since 2009 when I was a college student. I’ve personally seen how difficult it is to get your first few freelance clients if you are a newbie and have no prior experience.

During those early days, how I wished there was an enlightening guide or roadmap that teach aspiring Filipino freelancers how to succeed in getting clients.

And because that didn’t exist, I had no choice but to do trial and error.

After lots and lots of rejection and as the years went by, I slowly and gradually figured it out.

Until one day, this happened:

I Became A Top-Rated Freelancer In Upwork!

My accumulated earnings in that platform surpassed $20,000 USD or more than 1 Million Pesos:


And the best thing was, I earned majority of that amount in just a two-year period while doing freelancing PART-TIME, when I finally ‘cracked the code’.

But that’s not all.

Eventually I grew my freelancing business and started generating clientele beyond traditional marketplaces and platforms…

And I hit this important milestone:

I Started Getting Projects That Pay Five To Six Figure Pesos Per Month

I started getting clients from various countries that pay Php 50,000 per month, Php 70,000+ monthly, and even as high as Php 130,000+ per month – received from various currencies.

Freelancing has truly been a blessing.

I’m not saying all these to brag, but to show you how HUMBLING it is:

Because each time someone says “Paturo naman, di ko alam gagawin ko” or “nahihirapan ako kumuha ng first client”, it feels like my heart is pricked with a needle.

Because I understand what newbie and struggling freelancers are going through!

And like I said, during my early days in freelancing, I didn’t find a useful book or guide on how to get clients.

This is why I went on a personal mission to write a book or guide that teaches others how to get their first few freelance clients.

Instead of struggling with lots of rejection and pain trying to make your way in the freelancing world, you can now enjoy a step-by-step guide that I didn’t have when I was starting out.


The "How To Get Your First Few Freelance Clients" Guide


This is a 67-page digital guide with ten (10) value-packed chapters that outline the steps you need to take in order to transition from a “client-less” freelancer to getting your first few paying projects and clients!

And what’s more, once you learn how to do it, there’s no turning back.

You can literally generate new clients again and again as you wish. You can possess the power to write your own paycheck, work anywhere or anytime, and regain your personal freedom.

Here are some of the things you will learn in this book: 

As you can see, the How To Get Your First Few Freelance Clients course is power-packed with information that could transform your life and income.

Honestly, I feel like you’ll miss out if you don’t get a copy of this course!

But of course, it’s normal for me to be a bit “biased” about this book/guide/course for one reason – I personally wrote it. 

So my opinion probably doesn’t matter much here. 😊

Instead, let’s look at this: 

What Other People Are Saying About This Book

See what other readers have to say about the How To Get Your First Few Freelance Clients guide:

These are just some of the testimonials from happy customers who have decided to take control of their time and income through freelancing!

You can join the growing number of people who are working on their own terms and living their dreams.

Everyday I receive lots of email, Facebook messages or even texts from people who want to learn how to freelance

One of my videos on Tiktok, where I talked about my freelancing experiences, quickly generated 50k+ views, 3,503 likes and 2,752 favorites in just a few days.

It’s obvious that so many people are HUNGRY about this kind of knowledge, and that freelancing continues to be a growing trend nationwide.

Don’t be left behind!

Arm yourself with the ability to get your own freelance clients and build an income from the comfort of your home – before others beat you to the punch.

Why This Course Is So Much Better Than Tutorials You See Online

Look, the reason why I was able to condense freelancing knowledge into 67 pages is that I actually spent nearly 15 years figuring out what works and what doesn’t.

And that’s why I can give you this freelancing knowledge in a silver platter – without the fluff!

Just the meat and the good stuff.

Think about this, with this knowledge, you can literally work anywhere and anytime you choose, just like what I did below:

Me enjoying the view of Taal while working (and waiting for lunch w/ my fam)
Enjoying the view of Taal Lake as I work
(while waiting to eat bulalo for lunch with my fam)

But some people make the TERRIBLE mistake of thinking, “I can probably learn this for free on Youtube.

Let me give you the cold, hard truth:

Youtube is the WORST place to look at if you want to start a profitable freelance career.

Here’s the reason:

The free tutorials you see on the internet are mostly scattered and isolated – in short, they don’t show you the entire picture!

(To give you an analogy, they teach you how to “dunk”, before teaching you how to dribble or learn the rules of basketball.)

They are not arranged in proper sequence of what skills you should learn first and what to study next.

With that method, it could take you MONTHS and even YEARS trying to figure out what specific freelancing skills to master.

And after wasting so much time, you’ll probably end up in the same situation – little to no clients, plus a lot of confusion from watching many different content creators.

Don’t fall into that trap!

Better to get my step-by-step guide and save yourself YEARS of research. 

And to make it easier for everyone to read this guide, I’ve decided to offer it at an insanely low price compared to its high value:

The Cost Of This Resource Is Just 499 Pesos

That’s less than $10 USD. And with that, you’ll get INSTANT access to the 67-page digital guide. 

No more waiting for Shopee or Lazada delivery. The course will be delivered to you instantly as an e-book.

You can literally be reading this tell-all book/course five minutes from now!

Here’s the view from the secure checkout page:

To tell you the truth, you are getting a lot of value here for a very LOW investment.

Why? Because there are many freelancing courses and programs out there that would cost you Php 5,000, Php 10,000, even Php 30,000 or more.

It’s true. (you can look around).

And many of those freelancing “coaches” and gurus will make you watch hundreds of hours of video and overwhelm you with hundreds of pages of info – staggered over 8 to 12 weeks!

You just want to start making money, right?

It doesn’t have to be complicated. That’s why my system is simpler:

I hand you my concise 67-page guide, you read and implement the steps, and BOOM…you can start earning money from freelancing ASAP at your own pace.

If that sounds easier and more doable to you, go ahead and order the How To Get Your First Few Freelance Clients digital guide today for just Php 499.00.

And when you order, here’s my honest commitment to you:

You'll Enjoy An Iron-Clad 180-Day Money-Back Guarantee On Your Purchase!

You can purchase my 67-page freelancing guide today for just Php 499.00. Read it, study it, print it at home, turn it upside down, and implement the steps provided in the book.

Within 180 days (a full 6 months), if you feel like it didn’t help you gain more skills and knowledge about freelancing, or if you’re not satisfied with it for some reason — let me know and I will give you a full refund, no questions asked.

Look, a 180-day money back guarantee is UNHEARD OF in this industry.

Plus, I will even provide you with my contact details so you can easily get in touch with me about your purchase anytime within reasonable hours.

You see, there is ZERO risk on your part. The risk is on me!

And the reason I’m doing this is I’m very confident that this will help you.

Plus, if you order today, I will make the deal even better:


"Don't Quit Your Day Job Yet" (Audio Training)

Black and Yellow Elegant The Podcast Cover

This free audio training will teach you how and when to transition from being a tired employee to a full-time freelancer and entrepreneur.

It will revolutionize your thinking about employment, business, remote work and even life in general!

This audio training is the first module in another paid course that I am working on (still unreleased). I’ll most likely charge A LOT for it in the future when it comes out….

….but today, you’ll get it for free when you order the How To Get Your First Few Freelance Clients book.

But you have to take action, because:

The Price Could Go Up Anytime Soon

Right now, this course is listed at a price of Php 499.00. But that is subject to price change (without prior notice) due to factors such as market demand.

That means, the price can go up to Php 999, Php 1,499, or even Php 1,799 anytime soon! And when that happens, there is no turning back.

So take advantage of the lower price today before it is too late. Get your copy below: 

To Pay Via Bank Deposit or Gcash

STEP 1: Deposit your Php 499.00 investment to the account below:

Security Bank Savings Account: 0000013740411
Account Name: Verniel Cutar

Or, you can open your Gcash app and send the Php 499.00 amount to 09088197849. You may also scan the Gcash QR code below to pay:


  • Email your proof of transaction to verniel.cutar@gmail.com  OR send via FB messenger.
  • Then text your name, date of payment, and email address to 09088197849.

STEP 3: We will respond to you immediately, or within 24-48 hours with a special access link to your purchase!

To follow up on your order, just text or email me using the contact details provided.

I understand if you might still have a few questions in your mind.

Don’t worry, here are the most Frequently Asked Questions I get from people who are interested in this course: 

Frequently Asked Questions

Anyone who wants to earn an income from freelancing: newbies, no prior experience in freelancing, struggling freelancer, or even experienced freelancers will benefit from this book.

The techniques explained in this book will work for a wide variety of industries in the freelancing space: 

  • Virtual Assistance
  • Digital Marketing
  • Web Development
  • Content Writing
  • Data Entry
  • Graphic Design
  • Video Editing
  • App and Software
  • Transcription
  • Tutorial and Educational Services
  • etc!!!

The techniques taught in this book can be used in any line of work that can be done from the comfort of your home or anywhere.

Yes, the How To Get Your First Few Clients guide is totally and 100% newbie-friendly!

There are other payment methods available, such as Gcash or Maya. 

Just send 499.00 pesos to the following GCASH or MAYA account: 

Verniel Cutar – 09088197849

Send proof of payment to verniel.cutar@gmail.com or notify me thru text: 09088197849

Within 24-48 hours, I will email you your purchased e-book with all its applicable bonuses



Here's How To Order (Step-By-Step)

Step 1: Click on the blue order button below. You’ll be redirected to the book’s product page.

Step 2: Click on “Add To Cart”

Step 3: Select “View Cart & Checkout”

Step 4: Enter your payment details and click “Proceed To Checkout” to complete your order.

That’s it! You will instantly gain access to your purchase as soon as you checkout using the above steps.

To Pay Via Bank Deposit or Gcash

STEP 1: Deposit your Php 499.00 investment to the account below:

Security Bank Savings Account: 0000013740411
Account Name: Verniel Cutar

Or, you can open your Gcash app and send the Php 499.00 amount to 09088197849. You may also scan the Gcash QR code below to pay:


  • Email your proof of transaction to verniel.cutar@gmail.com  OR send via FB messenger.
  • Then text your name, date of payment, and email address to 09088197849.

STEP 3: We will respond to you immediately, or within 24-48 hours with a special access link to your purchase!

To follow up on your order, just text or email me using the contact details provided.