Work With Me

I believe great minds think alike. And there are various ways we can work together. See below:

  • Sponsored Posts (if you have an awesome topic you’d like to share on this blog, just reach out!)
  • Invite me to speak at your live event, podcast, webinar, interview, or workshop. 
  • Advertise on this site
Note that each service above would vary in rates, depending on what you need. So get in touch with me first to discuss the specifics.

I provide digital marketing and SEO consulting

Businesses and brands nowadays need a boost in their online visibility. The best way to do that is to level up their digital marketing and SEO game.

SEO stands for  “Search Engine Optimisation”. It is the art of optimising your website so it appears higher in the Google search results each time your target customers are searching. I specialize in this. 

The problem is that business owners and entrepreneurs are INTIMIDATED with SEO. They think it’s a rocket science and only for nerds. Not really. 

With my SEO consultation services, I will set weekly or monthly calls with you to provide you advice on how to improve your site’s SEO and digital marketing game. 

However, I only work with businesses that fit a certain criteria. Feel free to reach out to see if we’re a good fit to work with each other.  

Contact Me Here

Recording Studio

Accumsan hac arcu nulla leo aliquet libero aliquet cursus mauris massa, pulvinar egestas faucibus molestie gravida non suscipit purus porttitor rhoncus bibendum nisl ligula ac eget vitae.

My Clients

Morbi lobortis morbi dignissim sodales eget mauris turpis interdum sagittis sed cursus nunc nulla congue quis.